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Law Firm Marketing – 27% Have Been Terminated by In House Counsel

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[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][rs_space height=”16px”]In our recent survey with in-house counsel and law firm attorneys in both the U.S. and Canada, in-House Counsel have terminated 27% of their long term relationships due to poor communication or the absence of communication! This stunning result was actually not a surprise to us.

It’s no wonder business executives and legal departments are shaking things up.

If you haven’t already done so, transform your business culture, erase artificial boundaries between sales (yes “sales”) and service. Understand the bottom -line benefit of speaking directly and honestly to client needs. Build internal succession plans for each client. Attend their industry conferences and read their journals.

But most importantly, insure that clients receive top legal skills assistance and then show them where it has helped.

If you are wondering where to start, these 3 questions will help:

  1. Who is assigned to track each industry to which your firm provides legal assistance?
  2. Study who and how often they have retained other firms?
  3. Are your attorneys encouraged to cross market with other practice groups to offer more service?

At the Closers Group, we help law firms close more new business rapidly using a variety of BUSINESS GENERATING TACTICS, just like these.[rs_space height=”16px”]

Marketing for Marketers Series

Only 3 Sources of New Business

Rainmaking Does Not Start Outside

27% Have Been Terminated by In House Counsel

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Business Development, business development tactics, business generating tactics, closing new business, Law firm marketing, marketing for lawyers, new business