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What DOES WORK in the Business Development Closing Zone

What does work in the business development closing zone is a followup to our last 2 columns, what does not work in business development. We have taken a collection of quotes from successful business development professionals on what does work in the “closing zone.”

1. Major effort to communicate from the very beginning of an engagement.
2. Handle complaints quickly.
3. Refer business to your clients; or introduce clients to each other; or cross sell clients.
4. Make sure you obtain contact information for whoever attends your presentations.
5. Mine your children’s activities.
6. Set periodic review meetings re: budgets, billing, timeliness of engagement process; etc.

In a following column, we will illustrate more observations on what does work in the business development closing zone.

Let Us Help You Strengthen YOUR Business Development Closing Zone

We are available for a complimentary 30 minute consultation on accelerating your business development successes.


Business Development