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Client Retention — What Should You Ask Your Clients?

In the last post, we began the discussion of Client Retention by asking what should you ask your clients? This is an important part of building client relationships and new business development. Perhaps, focus those questions more on:

* What do they really like about your firm?
* Why do they, or don’t they send referrals to you?
* What else would they like you to offer or provide to make their relationship with your firm
stronger or more productive?

And remember to ask all of your staff members who might deal with your clients in billing, leaving messages, following up for you, etc. They might have some interesting and different questions for you:

* Why do they think clients hire you?
* What do they think clients want in addition from you?

And then ask your suppliers and vendors that help to keep your offices running:

* Why do they think clients hire you?
* What do they think you can do to improve the client experience?
* What ideas have they seen other firms and companies do that work well?

And then, synthesize all the answers and identify the one idea that truly sets you apart.