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Law Firm Marketing – Increase New Business Now

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[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][rs_space height=”16px”]How can you increase new business and identify new suspects rapidly?

Go where they go; Know who they know; Read what they read!!!

This marketing cliche should be the mantra for every firm leader.

Focus on ensuring marketing and closing skills begin with the first contact and involve following up, building the relationship, understanding the prospect’s business,
brainstorming, and offering ideas before asking for the business.

Make sure your marketing teams practice these skills to close more business by starting to meet more suspects and prospects.

Three tactics to utilize include;

1. Is the firm’s leadership focusing on developing the right strategies and cultivating teamwork to grow new business?

2. What are these strategies and teamwork- building approaches?

3. Who are the companies and agencies you should be targeting now?

At the Closers Group, we help law firms close more new business rapidly using a variety of business development tactics just like these.[rs_space height=”16px”]

Marketing for Marketers Series

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Business Development, business development tactics, business generating tactics, closing new business, Law firm marketing, marketing for lawyers, new business