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Dancing With The Stars and Client Retention

Which of the four personality types are you trying to tango with?

For those focused on accelerating new business and client retention, Dancing With the Stars, “Which of the four personality types are you trying to tango with” offers an important lesson: the hard work you put in during rehearsal is every bit as important as your time spent dancing in front of the camera.

There is nothing more important than your ability to talk, listen, look at, express, laugh, be serious, and connect with your client. Each client, depending upon his or her personality type, will respond to you according to how they process information. Just like a couple who moves across the dance floor as one, the words and how they are delivered by you during a meeting or encounter will make a difference in your business development outcome.

In general, most clients will fall under four personality types. Think about a few of them now. Can you categorize any of them into one of the following personality types? If so, here are some tips on how to communicate more effectively:

1. The Socializers

The socializer is the easiest group to communicate with. They’re fun, talkative, and gregarious. They’re OK if you’re busy or late. They’ll put you in a good mood. They are open-minded. They will accept unanticipated changes. They have lots of friends and want you as one also. For case presentation or to present a new idea to them, just be earnest and friendly and tell them what they need.

2. The Drivers

The drivers can be intimidating, but they are the second easiest group to accept your recommendations.
They’re all about business, being on time, being productive, and getting it right the first time. They don’t care if you’re their friend. They want you to be competent and professional. Every spare minute is important to them. Multi-taskers, they could be texting while you are getting settled into the meeting! Be confident and present. Don’t give them options. Your conversations should be: “This is what we need to do….and why….”

3. The Realtors

This group is more challenging. They are warm, gentle and considerate clients. They do not make quick decisions. They need to talk about your recommendations, think it over. They need time. Don’t be sensitive or upset that you don’t get the quick “yes”. You’ll wonder, perhaps, what you did wrong if they don’t say “yes” right away. These aren’t first-day-decision clients. If you have a “realtor” as a client be sure that you focus on:

  • Discussing how many times you’ve been successful with the specific matter you’re talking about
  • Presenting examples
  • Being clear and thorough during your presentation

“Realtors” just need more time to think. Hang in there.

4. The Thinkers

Just like the name implies, the Thinkers like to think it over. They are courteous, respectful, and inquisitive. They want you to be professional and informed. They don’t like changes. They might ask you for a detailed accounting of their matter and why. Making a presentation to a “thinker” is like presenting to a colleague. Know your stuff! Be detailed and to the point.


Dancing with the Stars and Client Retention

Remember, when it comes to attorney marketing, your clients (and potential ones) are both the audience and the judges. The more you prepare the better your performance will be.